Urdu English Dictionary

461 result(s) found for the word 'BY' :

Sr.English WordsUrdu Words
316 by whom was the tree being cut? R
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درخت کس سے کاٹا جا رہا تھا؟
317 by whom will the eid prayer be led ? R
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عید کی نماز کون پڑھائے گا ؟
318 by whom will the hen be being killed R
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مرغی کس سے ماری جا رہی ہو گی ۔
319 by whom will the thieves have been caught R
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چور کس سے پکڑے گئے ہوں گے
320 by whom will the thieves have been caught? R
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چور کس سے پکڑے گئے ہوں گے؟

461 Search Results Found for 'BY':

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