Sr. | English Words | Urdu Words |
2186 | A WOUND DOES NOT PIERCE THE SOUL R Idiom Report Error! | تِلوار کا گھاوٴ بھر جاتا ہے زُبان کا گھاوٴ نہیں بھرتا ۔ |
2187 | A WOUND NEVER HEALS SO WELL BUT THAT THE SCAR CAN BE SEEN R Idiom Report Error! | زخم کا نِشان نہیں مٹتا ۔ |
2188 | a wound never heals so well but that the scare can be seen R Phrase Report Error! | زخم کا نشان نہیں مٹتا |
2189 | A wrong injection was the cause of his death
R Phrase Report Error! | غلط انجکشن اس کی موت کا سبب بنی
2190 | A wrong medicine was the cause of his death
R Phrase Report Error! | غلط دوا اس کی موت کا سبب بنی